Covve Scan: Digitize Networking with AI Powered Assistance
Contact management has proved paramount since our networking has turned virtual and face-to-face interactions are limited. The real questions executives, entrepreneurs, and aspiring career climbers have been asking all boil down to “can this digital form of networking really work?” Covve founders Yiannis Gavrielides and Alex Protogerellis strongly believe that it is not only possible but prosperous.
What is Covve Scan?
Covve recently announced a strategic partnership with Revolut to roll out its new offering Covve Scan. The app is an AI-powered business card scanner. It converts physical business cards from over 40 different languages into a digital format that can be stored within the app. With maximum accuracy, the AI scanner fills the contact card from the information on the business card, minimizing required input.
It was designed specifically for highly intuitive usage and fast conversion into digital form. Covve Scan is GDPR-compliant, reinforcing the company’s dedication to privacy and security of user information.
With this assistive technology in a networking app, users can take a picture of a business card, and the details are automatically recognized and imported. Once digital, professionals can add notes, tags, locations, or any other desired information from their mobile phones. This easily connects your conversations with digital documentation so the next time you run into so and so or hear about their company, you can easily look back to the last thing you talked about and pick up the conversation. A personalized touch in an impersonal medium can make all the difference.
The interface also allows contacts to be organized and shared. Covve Scan seamlessly integrates with Covve and other select CRM platforms to provide improved data efficiency and automated networking reminders.
Age of Digital Networking
Covve is currently used in over 120 countries by professionals, executives, and rising leaders. What is it about this digital networking tool that has everyone’s attention?
Before the Internet, connections were made primarily based on proximity. Even with the Internet pre-corona, professionals would attend events and conferences to meet face-to-face with other professionals. While you can reach out through LinkedIn, if you have never met the person, it’s much less likely that you create a genuine connection or nurture that relationship as long.
In a digital networking environment, how do we engage our connections?
The answer is, it seems, in AI. We listen, watch, read, and reconnect. But we – you and I – are too busy to be doing that all ourselves. Therefore, we implore the technology through which we are connecting to do it for us. Hence the Covve AI-powered revelation that professionals around the globe have discovered.
With digitized networking, we can program our personal contact management system to notify us when communications have sat dormant too long when a connection or their company are in the news,
The AI will read news articles, highlight the most important pieces, and notify you of which contacts are affected. Creating a smooth flow of information at your fingertips for you to act upon. Since we are always on the go, we are always on our phones. Covve Scan is providing a mobile-first solution with their interface.
Where This Can Take Business
Individually, digital networking assisted by AI is a huge time saver. Imagine having a virtual assistant in your phone to follow activity on all of your contacts and notify you when you should reach out with the exact content of the message you need to send. It opens a world of possibilities. You can now spend time on other, arguably more important things like running your business.
If you are able to spend more time on your business, what does this mean for future growth? Covve is paving the way for technology-assisted operations that propel the people that run our businesses to achieve more. In the same way that you hire an assistant to answer emails, schedule meetings, and field incoming requests, you can open your availability and all of your team’s availability by diverting networking tasks to AI.
With a more open schedule for your company, you have greater capacity. Greater capacity for selling, operating, innovating, and expanding your business. What you can do with that extra-ness depends on your specific goals.
Digital becomes more effective by expanding your reach to a nearly unlimited audience. Casting a wider net will likely increase your conversion rate and drive more capital into the organization. What would you do with more investment? Would you increase the allocation across your marketing channels? Expand your offerings? Grow your team?
AI is making more than digital networking possible. Providing the average, above average and exemplary professional with smart technology is administering highly-tailored resources to each person to implement in their lives how it makes the most sense for them. Empowering each person to work in line with their goals at scale is a sought after solution.
Once you realize what AI-powered networking means for you in your business, it’s hard not to make the switch from man-powered, time-intensive labor to set it and forget it smart reminders in the palm of your hand.
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