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W3Counter is a web stats and tool for your blog or website. You can learn this tool to your website if you want to gain insights about your visitors, increase sales, build a following, and track the growth of your business along the way. W3Counter is typically a free web tracking solution that comes with a user-friendly and well-designed dashboard.

You will be able to see the stats of your visitors in a few minutes, view a map that represents the locations and countries of origin for your visitors, and exploring your top exit and entry pages and many more. It is very easy to navigate through the dashboard and the info is represented quite well. The click overlay feature will show you where most of your clicks are coming from which is a direct representation of your website.

However, the free version will only work once you add a visible badge on your website. It is supported by promotion and the historical log of the web traffic is adversely affected. The premium level of W3countter will remove all the restrictions and ads and has some additional features.

W3Counter Benefits

Widgets: You can add widgets on your site with a single click; custom contact forms, social media buttons, attention bars, and lead capture forms.

Get More Clients: You can provide a coupon as the visitor leaves your site with the promotion pop up or you can also highlight your free shipping special with the promotion bar. You will also be able to see where your visitors live, their language, and the type of devices they use to browse the website.

Get More Subscribers: Pop up the newsletter signup for when a visitor scrolls to the end of your content and is also ready for more. You can also add a floating opt-in bar to the bottom or top of your whole site.

Fully Customizable: Every widget will perfectly match your design with customized background images, colors, text, and positioning.

No Coding Required: You can add any of these widgets to your site in just a click. W3Countter is powered by the same bit of code that is used to track your web traffic.

Easy to Use and Beautiful: Simple reports and clear dashboards that are understandable without a training or manual.

Follow Their Foot Steps: W3Counter will allow you to see who has visited your site recently and the path that they took while exploring your site.

Find the Sources of Your Traffic: You will be able to identify your main traffic sources in an easy way. You will also tell the type of content they are searching for on your website.

W3CounterĀ Features

  • Multiple sites/accounts
  • Click overlay feature
  • User-friendly dashboard
  • Conversion tracking
  • Time on site tracking
  • Real-time stats

W3CounterĀ Pricing

  • Free version of up to 5000 page views per day
  • Price range of $5 to $20 per month

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